I had first written a text about the clash of the cultures that is ongoing but you're here …
Horae Obscura LVI ∴ Ex Animo
Ex Animo or from the heart/soul. May humanity embrace its dark side so that it can start …
Horae Obscura LV ∴ Iupiter Optimo Maximo
This summer the Villa Bota crew asked all the shows to provide ten tracks to broadcast for …
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Horae Obscura LIV ∴ Ens Causa Sui
Only five tracks this week :) Five looooong deeeep tracks... Come with me on this …
Obscurum Noctis 8 Samhain Edition
Here are all the sets of the second Samhain edition of the Obscurum Noctis …
Submerged his Halloween mix for Obscurum Noctis
Kurt Gluck aka dj Submerged is the founder of the Ohm-Resistance label. I've been a fan of …
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