I’ve been toying with this idea for quite some time now, time to bite the bullet! For 9 Days I’ll be doing a stream between 2000 CET & 2100 CET.
The 9 days title is a wink to two festivals that were dear to my heart! During the “Gentse Feesten” in Ghent, Belgium, you had a well known festival called 10 Days off. In the early days it was called 10 Days of Techno after a couple of years they went broader and incorporated other genres. This final editions took place in the lovely halls of the Vooruit. I went to that festival a couple of times, had a killer time there and heard a lot of great acts.
BUT there was another, somewhat more hidden, festival during the Gentse Feesten and that one was called 7 Days. For 7 Days long Bliip and other orgs organized killer raves with more experimental/underground genres (jungle, idm, acid, breakcore and the likes). I have even fonder memories of that festival to be honest. Well “memories” you know… let’s call it inebriated flashbacks lol.
Anyway enough about my memory lane… So for 9 days I’ll be playing an hour of “dance music” I like. And it’s an unofficial tribute to these two mighty festivals. Here’s the roster of what I’ll play:
Day | Genre |
17/09/21 Friday | Mindmelting TeknoCore |
09/10/21 Saturday | Blasting Crossbreed & Hardcore |
10/10/21 Sunday | Pumping Rave |
11/10/21 Monday | Deep Techno |
12/10/21 Tuesday | “Restday” & regular The Kult of O radioshow on Villa bota |
13/10/21 Wednesday | Breaking Techno |
14/10/21 Thursday | Booming Elektro |
15/10/21 Friday | Screaming Acid |
16/10/21 Saturday | Furious Rhythmic Noise |
17/10/21 Sunday | Slamming Jungle & D’n’B |
Watch: https://youtube.com/c/thekultofo
Also check out our previous streams: