Adamantis ::: 2017.09.26Welcome to the first Adamantis! In these episodes I'll be digging through my cd collection in stead of my download collection.
More to come! Greetings

Alone In The Hollow Garden & Nam-Khar - Vijnana (Qualia)
Yumi Hara & Guy Harries - Wheels Within Wheels (Sombre Soniks)
Tunnels of Ah - Purging Process (Cold Spring)
Equimanthorn - When Skies Above Were Not Yet Named (Zazen sounds)
Shibalba - Mantras of the Lotus-Eyed God (Nihilward)
Troum - Outer Brain Outsourcing (Cold Spring)
Ugasanie - The Last Flight (Black Mara)
Bulkrate - Burial of a god (Ketacore Records)
Aderlating - Rope Burn Christ Mass (Consouling Sounds)
Treha Sektori - Vorah Esyeh Konteriah (Cyclic Law)
Listen here: