Retro Acid is back to celebrate the underground sounds of the famous Roland 303!This time, we’ve chosen to put only the rougher acid genes in the spotlight.The acidic ingredients of the night are – in good tradition - a lot of live-action and leading DJ’s in the genre. Tune in to full blown acid modus and get ready to rave with this bleeping line-up.
FB Event:
https://www.facebook.com/events/1033709690090987/■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ Beverly Hills 808303 (Acid Planet, Reference Analogue Audio, Drop Bass Network. NL)
■ 2Junxion Live (Acid Wars, Twidl. NL)
■ Frixion Fanatic Live (Tekno Sucks, Obs.Cur, SOS. NL)
■ Hypnoise Theory vs Drinko (DDM, Narcosis vs Wir Tanzen. BE)
■ Spacid (Retro Acid, Kozzmozz, FGA. BE)
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Pre-sale : 15,00 Euro
Door : 19,00 Euro
Presale: FNAC, all Brooklyn shops, Vooruit Ghent
www.retroacid.be/tickets ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
More info:
www.retroacid.bewww.facebook.com/retroacid info@retroacid.be