Horae Obscura ::: Cura te ipsumSoothing #ambient for your, hopefully healthy, ears!
Hope you enjoy the mix! If you do and you know someone who would enjoy it to, please send them a link.
Always appreciated! I've also recorded a hip-hop to trip-hop mix which I'll be submitting to #VillaBota #radio for their #corona #mixtapes initiative, I'll upload it after it got broadcast.
Original artwork: The Healing of Lazarus by an unknown Westphalian Master 1400
Glitch Bottle Podcast - Excerpt from Magic, COVID-19 & William Blake episode
Iron Marshall - Astral Plane
Martyria - Ominous
Docetism - Great Glory Of Nothing (Death Of The Hermit) [Askesis]
BOLT RUIN - Przenac
Antistatic - Dark Frequencer - Oniric
Decommissioned Forests - Impermanence
How To Disappear Completely - A Constant Wave Of Loss
SiJ - Memories Lost in Time
dark muse - stranded with ghosts
ARIADNE - Forsaken
Listen here:https://www.thekultofo.com/soothing-ambient/