Horae Obscura CXVII ::: omnem luctum plane abstergerTo banish all S.A.D. thoughts…
Original artwork: Francisco de Goya, Exorcism

DE·TA·US·TO·AS - To easily prevent nourishing evils (detaustoas )
Dronny Darko - Freon Orchids (thisisdarkness )
Ruairi O'Baoighill - A Scheduled Madness (thisisdarkness )
Accentor - And Will Lie There Forever (bonechurch )
Anthony Amelang - I/H/A/K (anthonyamelang )
Eisentanz - Fluchtversuch (Raumklang Music)
Host - Around Your Fucking Neck (hostobject )
Dødsmaskin - Redusert til Null (thisisdarkness )
Nyodene D - Sum Zero Total (Anthems of The Undesirable)
Go As DeatH - Open the Casket (Consume the Spirit) (goasdeath )
Drohgt - Burning Pits Of Hell (-NOT ON LABEL- §§§)
Kaschade - Philip K. Dick (Kaschade)
Listen here:http://www.thekultofo.com/horae-obscura-cxvii-omnem-luctum-plane-absterger