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Author Topic: 02/11/2017 Exhibition Sci-Fi graphic novel | Hever  (Read 519 times)

Offline Korfunkle

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02/11/2017 Exhibition Sci-Fi graphic novel | Hever
« on: October 21, 2017, 05:31:44 PM »

You are invited to Majestic Studios (Leuvensesteenweg 28, Hever) on Thursday the 2nd November, from 19:00 to 22:00 for a unique, one evening exhibtion!

Simon Lejeune (Alias Haedre, Vonkor Lab & Sim on kor Funkle) presents one year of work: The conception of his graphic novel: Devlok, the techno-templar.

Come to discover a Science-Fiction universe inspired by “Heavy-metal” through over 60 original full watercolor illustrated pages and works.

As for a proper vernissage, there will drinks, canapés and little presents for the first arriving.

You can find more info via the following links.

Artist page: and
Facebook event page:
Comic page:

We are looking forward to see you.

Best regards.

Simon Lejeune, Manuella De Roover, Bruno Mastyn

(P.S.: It'd be great to do such event in Gent or Antwerp, if you know any venue that would fit and where I could hang 60 A3 frames, please contact me ->
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 05:36:08 PM by Korfunkle »


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