Horae Obscura LXVII ::: Nitimur in VetitumA sad day for my country… My condolences to all who lost someone today, be it here, or somewhere else. Kind of funny, in a morbid way, I chose this title for this episode. The translation means we strive for the forbidden.
The cover art is Adam and Eve by Tiziano Vecellio… You know... that fairy tale that started this whole mess in the first place. If it's up to me it's getting time that humanity discards these barbaric religions called Christianity, Judaism & Islam. But everyone is entitled in his or her opinion of course.
Anyway enough about the misery in the world, let us listen to that one language everyone understands… Music. Be well my friends, be well…
Original artwork: Tiziano Vecellio - Adam and Eve
Melinoe - Maggot death ([/url]-NOT ON LABEL-[/url])
Custodian & gnawed - Untitled 2 (
gnawed )
Onkunde - Ziekelijke onverschilligheid (
Cave dweller - Nameless city (
Tumor necrosis factor - Immortel ([/url]-NOT ON LABEL-[/url])
Unhewn - Sofrimento ([/url]-NOT ON LABEL-[/url])
Custodian & gnawed - Untitled 3 (
gnawed )
Srvtr - Hnn (
Facebook.com/midnightradio11]Midnight Radio Compilation[/url])
Noistruct vs solypsis - Attachment is baggage (
Ende Records)
Vulpinesmile - Tea with yuri (
vulpinesmile )
Facebook.com/oneirich]Oneirich[/url] - Nink! (
The Kult of O)
Mons jacet - Black birds ([/url]-NOT ON LABEL-[/url])
Muepetmo - Tema 9 ([/url]-NOT ON LABEL-[/url])
Listen here:http://www.come-early-leave-late.be/horaeobscura/?p=1539