Adamantis ::: Hard mannelijk lawaai
Embrace the darkness… #ambient and #industrial
Original artwork: Own picture shot at the Ritman Library, Amsterdam
I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze, Strayd0g, ivan & R. Relique.
If you also want to support The Kult of O, and get more content, then consider becoming a Patreon: Dark - Coals of the Mind
Corona Barathri - Astaroth Sapientia Summa
Clavicvla - Sepulchral Blessing
Black Earth - Lurking Hounds Stagger in the Deep
Maninkari - Untitled 04
Zoat Aon - Dark Grammar
Folkstorm - XI
Brighter Death Now - Payback excerpt
Listen here: