The 9 VIII ::: Mark WinterlightA new month, a new guest mixtape!
This time by Mark O'Shea from the Dutch Winter-Light label:
http://www.winter-light.nlHope you enjoy if you do please favorite/comment/share thank you!
PS: Last week was The Kult of O evening during the Brugotta festival. You can read a review and see some pictures on the Gonzo site: watch some more pictures on Cultuurcentrum's Facebook page: artwork: --

VelgeNaturlig - Onset (Winter-Light)
VelgeNaturlig - Opal (Winter-Light)
Deutsch Nepal - Gouge Free Market (Deutsch Nepal)
Nam-khar - Shidak (re-shaped) (Winter-Light)
Raison d'etre & Troum - Hang E Lah (Raison d'etre)
VelgeNaturlig - Pust (Winter-Light)
Novatron - Inamorata (Cold Spring)
Predominance - Vector Equilibrium (Loki Foundation)
Predominance - Expanding Universe (Loki Foundation)
Rapoon - Messianic Ghosts (Rapoon)
Argyre Planitia - Terra, et qua in ipsa sunt operi, exurentur (Essentia Mundi Records)
Vacant Stations - Penultima Clones (Winter-Light)
Grey Frequency - You Will Improve Or Disappear (Grey Frequency)
Listen here: