The Booth => Links to music => Topic started by: superpsilo on August 15, 2013, 10:09:03 PM
http://hugefiles.net/k4mpq9e6njv2 (http://hugefiles.net/k4mpq9e6njv2)
Bedankt, maar misschien even de topictitel aanpassen? Hele forumlayout gaat zo naar de haaien omdat er geen spatie tussen zit.
edited topic title!
damn, it actually isn't bad. given the fact that we just came there, dropped it like it wuz hot and were both drunk as fuck, i think we didn't even prepared that set at all but we knew what the other would do & when he would do it. :cheer: :yarrr:
pretty damn sad there won't ever be another one ! :cheersad:
lol: u actually hear my laptop crash & restart ^^
Ohh die had ik zelf nog niet eens staan! Thanks for sharing :)
Was a great set, I remember :D
ja kweet het kevin, kwam da mapje toevallig tegen en eens begonnen aan de setjes te knippen, kzal u de rest ook bezorgen ;)
Nice, merci :)
Nice, merci :)
nu da ge toch dichtbij woont :p
danke :respect:
lol: u actually hear my laptop crash & restart ^^
:lol: funny indeed!
At first I thought the windows error sound was part of the set but with the reboot sound I realised it wasn't :P
pretty good set :up:
respect & rip @ krosje!