The Booth => Links to music => Topic started by: .less. on April 13, 2009, 09:41:40 PM
Hello people,
I had this mix burned on cd but it is badly damaged and i can't rip it anymore.
Can someone please post it or link to it eventually ?
I know this mix more or less out of my head, i'm even more interested in the tracklist.
I remember some tracks :
Intro : some soundclips from a movie "it will be an era with boundless greed and corruption"
The Outside Agency - Metal Slug
Fifth Era, Face Hoover tracks
Program 2 - Twister
Zanthrax - My Project
E-man - ??
Pilldriver - Apocalypse never
Double Face - Metaloid (i think)
http://www.come-early-leave-late.be/V2/index.php?topic=512.0 (http://www.come-early-leave-late.be/V2/index.php?topic=512.0)
http://www.ek23sound.org/temp/13-The%20Producer%20&%20Simon%20Underground%20-%20Live@thunderdome%2025.08.2001.mp3 (http://www.ek23sound.org/temp/13-The%20Producer%20&%20Simon%20Underground%20-%20Live@thunderdome%2025.08.2001.mp3)
google ftw ;)
Both of you rule !
Ja, ik zou eens moeten beginnen met zoekmachines, aka internet 2000.
Kennen jullie nog wat tracks uit die mix ?
Bovenstaande link werkt niet
deze wel: http://www.mediafire.com/?4ezyyzmktpc (http://www.mediafire.com/?4ezyyzmktpc)